Dear Comrades,
DOPT vide memo No.14014/3/2011-Estt.-(D) dated 26/07/2012 the three years time limit for making compassionate appointment is removed. In the light of Hon'ble Supreme Court judgement dated 05/04/2011 in civil appeal No.2206 of 2006 filed by local administration department vs M.Selvanayagam @ Kumaravelu and keeping in view of the Hon'ble High Court Allahabad Judgnement dated 07/05/2010 in civil Misc. writ petition No.13102 of 2010 the DOPT has reviewed the order in consultation with the ministry of Law and it has been decided to withdraw the instructions contained in the OM dated 05/05/2003. It is also directed that the cases of compassionate appointment may be regulated in terms of instructions contained in OM dated 09/10/1998 as amended from time to time. The onus of examining the penurious condition of the dependent family will rest with the authority making compassionate appointment.
It is requested to all divisional secretaries to check up whether any cases which are not regulated due to the time limit since from the year 2003 and the same may please be taken up for consideration in the light of the above order.