34th Bieenial Circle Confernce
All COB,Branch/Div Secretaries,
Dear Comrades
You are very well known that our Circle Conference is going to be held at Vijayanagaram
from 9-9-2012 to 11-9-2012.The Circle working Committee will be held on 8-9-2012
to finalise the agenda and Biennial Report and audtied Accounts.Reception committe
headed by Com NarayanaRao already issued a circular.
The Conference will be held at Dandu Maremma Kalyana Mandapam Vijayanagaram-3.
Accommadation for staying of Delegates and Visitors and COB are Chemists Bhavan
and Youth Club. Both are very nearer and also nearer to Confenrence venue
.Food will be served at conference venue only.
No restriction for visitors. All Secretaries are requested to pay delegation fees to
all members including Visitors who are coming to attend the conference.
Delegation fees Rs500/-All Secretaries are requested to bring the money to clear
all Postal Unity dues and arrears of quota to the Circle Union.
Rest in presence.
circle Secretary