Joint letter addressed by PIII NFPE&PIII FNPO
Outsourcing: - The orders of the authority for providing outsourcing for opening of accounts has not been followed uniformly by the Divisional Administration. Some of the Divisional Heads giving oral instructions to the staff to claim as honorarium @ Rs.1 to 2 per account. But, as per the work norms it takes 1 hour to open 8 accounts at AO i.e., 65 accounts per day(8 hours), i.e. around Rs.250 has to be offered per 65 accounts ( 4 to 5 rupees per account). Orders of the Chief PMG are not communicated clearly up to Divisional Level unless until there is speaking order, circulating the directorate orders of 2009 in this special drive did not serve the purpose.
The target of Opening 500 accounts by each PO in 2 months is over patronized by the middle level administration. The middle level administration is just forcing to achieve the targets within weeks forcibly opening of smaller denomination i.e Rs.10/- which is unuseful and unproductive. We are enclosing some of the irregular accounts opened in the Divisions for your information. The same is practice is being done in almost all Sub Divisions/Divisions.
The utmost motivation skill used by the middle level management is making phone calls/conducting meetings to the BPMs ordering to open accounts within weeks at any cost under any circumstances. They are not interested in showing the possible means and to accompany with the field staff to promote healthy business, they are just interested in numbers. In their prudence they did not justify how to run the DET when there are more than hundred accounts per that particular day.
As we have discussed in the 108 RJCM, staff side suggested that for opening of 100 SB/RD accounts, an outsider can be engaged as per the rates fixed by the District Collectors. It is requested specific orders may be issued on engagement of outsiders.
The union desires orders from the competent authority on the above issues in order to make the self inclusion a success.
A line in reply about the action taken on the issue is solicited.
Thanking you,
Circle Secretary, AIPEU Gr ‘C’ Circle Sectary, NAPE Gr ‘C’
AP Circle AP Circle
Hyderabad Hyderabad