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COMRADES! NFPE GUNTUR CONGRATULATES ONE AND ALL WHO HEROICLY PARTICIPATED AND MADE THE TWO DAYS STRIKE A GRAND SUCCESS. The strike was conducted under the Banner of JCA, GUNTUR COMPRISING NFPE AND FNPO. THE 12.2.2014 RALLY IS A VERY BIG AND ATTRACTED THE MEDIA AS WELL AS GENERAL PUBLIC. THIS RALLY  STARTED FROM GUNTUR HO AND REACHED INCOME TAX OFFICE AT LAKSHMIPURAM .  ALL THE INCOME TAX OFFICIALS ARE ON STRIKE AND JOINED OUR RALLY.  Com R.Sivannarayana President of P3CHQ ENCOURAGED THE RALLY WITH HIS SPEECH AND SLOGANS.  IN THE RALLY  EACH COMRADE HOLD ONE PLACARD WITH OUR DEMANDS AND SLOWGUNS WITNESSED IN AVERY BIG VOICE.   LADY COMRADES ALOSO PARTICIPATED IN A CONSIDERABLE NUMBER.  Remaining lady comrades are requested to attend the union programmes in future without fail.  This rally ended at SPOs office, in Chandrmoulinagar with the speeches of our leaders  Com R.Sivannarayana President of P3CHQ ,N.NAGESWARA RAO, RR, Com APPARAO CITU, Com Mastan Rao Dist.Secretary of POSTAL AND RMS PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION, COM KAMESWARA RAO, FNPO. More than 100 comrades participated in the second day motor bike rally that started from Guntur HO to PF Office in Krishnanagar, Central Excise Office at Nagarampalem, Tobacco Board in Chuttugunta and returned to HO.  Comrade Rama Krishna covered the two days rally with his cell camera. The photos can be viewed in our NFPEGUNTUR WEBSITE. All the Comrades spent their time from 10.00 to 13.30hrs in these rallies. Retired officials com.Varma, Com Samuel, Com Nageswara Rao etc.also participated in the rally as well as in the meeting held at Guntur HO on 11.2.14. Once again RED SALUTE.   As per the reports  of Confederation the strike is a very big success. The two days strike ended but not the battle.  The Confederation is going to review the situation on 18.2.2014 and decide the future course of action. Keep the gun powder ready---NFPE, GUNTUR

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