ALLAHABAD: To make filing of application for seeking information under theRight To Information Act-2005 hassle free and easier, the department of posts has launched an electronic Indian Postal Order (e-IPO). The scheme will facilitate citizens pay online fee for filing of application to seek information from various government departments. Earlier the department had launched the e-IPO facility for Indian citizens working across the globe. Providing information about this Director Postal Services, Allahabad region, Krishna Kumar Yadav said, "E-IPO is a facility to purchase an Indian postal order electronically for paying RTI fee on-line." He further said, after paying the fee on-line one just need to annex the print-out of the receipt to the RTI application. The service has been launched by the department in cooperation with National Informatics Centre (NIC) and the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT). He added, under this service, the applicant needs to register at e-Post Office portal of India Post or through India Post web site to create profile for first time. Both debit and credit cards of any banks can be accepted for the fee.