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కామ్రేడ్ రావి శివన్నారాయణ అమర్ రహే

గుంటూరు డివిజన్ ప్రియతమ నాయకులు, ఆల్ ఇండియా పోస్టల్ ఉద్యోగుల సంఘం Group 'c'  అఖిలభారత అధ్యక్షులు గా పనిచేసిన శ్రీ శివ నారాయణ గారు కొద్ది సమయం క్రితం తన స్వగృహం వద్ద పరమపదించారు. వారు గత కొన్ని రోజులుగా మూత్రపిండాల వ్యాధితో బాధపడుతున్నారు మూడు రోజుల క్రితం చెన్నై నుంచి తిరిగి వచ్చి ఈ రోజు ఉదయం పరమపదించారు.


Com.R.ShivNarayana,Ex, President P3CHQ Expired today on 26thJuly 2020 .He was suffering from abdominal Cancer.

Com.ShivNarayana was a very good Organizer and Avery disciplined Comrade,

He was inducted in CHQ Team in 1997 AIC Vrindaban,Mathura along with me and Com.M.Krishnan, R.N.Chaudhary, B.G.Tamhankar as Vice President and continued till his retirement upto 2014 in various capacities as ASG,Dy.G/S and President. 

He has also officiated  as General Secretary  for some time.

He remained in CHQ on Foreign Service for long time With Com.KVS and Com.Krishnan.

He contributed a lot in running CHQ.

We on behalf of NFPE and P3 CHQ Convey our heartfelt condolences to bereaved family members and Comrades of Andhra and Guntur.
We pray eternal peace for departed soul.



                                                                            SG.NFPE & G/S P-3CHQ


       It is our misfortune that Comrade Ravi Sivannarayana former Deputy GS and CHQ President of AIPEU Group C breathed his last today 26.07.2020 at Guntur (AP). He was a staunch trade union leader and led many movement for the interests of Postal Workers including the GDS. He invariably attends all Circle Conferences of Tamilnadu Circle also including the latest conference recently held at Coimbatore.

      He was a close friend and comrade to many leaders like C.C.Pillai, K.Ragavendran, M.Krishnan (all former SG NFPE) and comrade K.V.Sridharan (Former GS P3). He was the officiating GS also and conducted the AIC at Kerala and handed over the responsibility of GS to Comrade M.Krishnan. A comrade with smile always and used to help any worker in trouble. 

     Comrade Sivannarayana was reportedly under cancer treatment in Chennai for the past three or four months. May be due to lockdown he chose not to inform us. Four days back he was sent to his home town Guntur because of advance stage of brain cancer , where he was admitted again. Today morning he lost his consciousness and at about 4.00 P.M declared as dead by hospital authorities in Guntur.

We dip our banner in honour and memory of comrade Ravi Sivannaraya!
ప్రజా శక్తి:





Benefits of accepting LSG promotion

After Group C cadre restructure many are started to get their LSG line promotions .
1. Following are furnished for information of newly promoted LSG officials.
2. LSG officials shall have following powers under their unit offices.
  • Sub appointing authority to postman & MTS. Can function disciplinary authority to postman and MTS.
  • Appointing authority to GDS
3. For LSG and above appointing authority is DPS not divisional heads. That means after promoting to LSG, divisional heads can issue only minor penalty to LSG officials.
4. After promoting to LSG cadre, self appraisal forms shall be given to lsg officials to report their significant achievements and short falls before assessing their marks in APAR. But for PA cadre no such self appraisal forms to represent their significant achievements.
5. After 5 years LSG service can appear for divisional head PS Gr B promotion LDC exam.
6. LSG is circle cadre so no rule 38 complications like PA cadre within circle. LSG officials Can get any division by just applying reallotments. Easy to move within circles.
7. Now after cadre restructure many youngsters may choose supervisors cadre to get further HSG II/HSG I and NFG promotions.
8. At present only 3 MACP pay up gradations available to PA cadre but because of opting LSG cadre 4 pay up gradations possible in the mode of HSG I NFG.
9. It is important to mention here that if LSG promotion is declined then till accepting that LSG promotion, that official is not entitled to get further MACPs.

రంజాన్ శుభకాంక్షలు

ముస్లిం సోదరులకు, బంధు మిత్రులకు రంజాన్ శుాకాంక్షలు.

P&T సొసైటీ, గుంటూరు ఆధ్వర్యంలో నిత్యావసర సరుకులు పంపిణి

P&T సొసైటీ, గుంటూరు ఆధ్వర్యంలో ది 06-05-2020 ఉదయం 8 గం లకు గుంటూరు చంద్రమౌళి నగర్ పోస్ట్ ఆఫీసు ఆవరణలో LOCKDOWN తో ఇబ్బంది పడుతున్న  POSTAL, BSNL మరియు RMS ఆఫీస్లులో పనిచేయుచున్న contingent(Sweepers and,watchmen, scavengers) సిబ్బంది కి నిత్యావసర సరుకులు పంపిణి చేయబడినది. ఈ కార్యక్రమంలో  గౌరవ Supdt.Pos, DGM BSNL గారు,NFPE యూనియన్ నాయకులు మరియు  సభ్యులు అందరు పాల్గొని విజయవంతం చేసినారు.. సొసైటీ అధ్యక్ష కార్యదర్శులు శ్రీ  B.రామారావు గారు  పల్లా.అప్పారావు గారు మరియు ఇతర డైరెక్టర్లకు ధన్యవాదములు.

Protest on DA Freeze in Guntur Division

Guntur HO:

Mangalagiri HO:

Etukuru SO:

Chandramouli Nagar SO:


Pattabhipuram SO:

Kothapet SO:

Guntur Collectorate SO:


Guntur Bazar SO:


DOP Employees Portal (ESS Portal) || New Web Link & It's Working In Mobile Network

New Employee Self Service Portal For Public Network

New URL & It's Working Click On Below Link
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